"...everything in life is writable...if you have the outgoing guts to do it, and the imagination to improvise. The worst enemy to creativity is self-doubt."..... Sylvia Plath

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Writing Resolutions

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In 2013, I will be focused on selling my bed and breakfast and moving to New England. It's a big undertaking and requires a lot of planning, organizing, and time. My resolutions for the New Year are not completely worked out but they will all center around finding time to write while carrying out my plan to move by the summer of 2014.

I resolve to work with my two realtors, one here in Louisville and the other in Vermont to come up with a plan to sell my Victorian home (which is also my bed and breakfast), hold an estate sale (to pare down the furniture I'll take to Vermont), and  find a condo in and make a smooth transition to a small town near my daughter in Burlington.

I further resolve to make time to work on my new memoir, while still running my business and making plans to move. I will spend half my writing time on the extensive research my new project demands and half on creative sessions to develop a first draft. In addition I will  post on my book and writing blogs at least twice a month and continue to develop my platform on social media sites.

if you enjoyed this post, feel free to leave a comment


  1. Good luck with your goals! It will definitely be a challenge for you to write while downsizing and moving. Maybe you will be able to look at your writing time as a break from all of the other tasks?

    1. Janel, Thanks for checking out my blog and the suggestion to use my writing as a break from all the moving tasks. I think that's a stellar idea : =)

  2. Good luck with your move in 2013. Vermont is beautiful and it will be worth your efforts. During the more hectic moments ahead - stay focused on the end result. Enjoy your new home.

    1. Hi Elizabeth. I appreciate your taking the time to visit my blog. I'm really looking forward to a peaceful life once I get there; no running a business full time, just sitting in front of a fireplace, with my dog, writing. And the icing on the cake will be bonding with my daughter again. I know there will be some hectic moments during 2013 but, in the long run, it will be well worth it. Thanks for the supportive comments.

  3. Sounds like a wonderful year is headed your way... moving closer to your daughter. And did I ever tell you memoirs are my favorite reading genre. Happy New Year. I wish you and your family, and that memoir coming, all the best.

    1. Thanks for checking out my blog and commenting. I hope you're right about my having a wonderful year. I'm looking forward to it and, if I can stay organized and on task, I think it will be. Memoir is my favorite genre too, that's why I started writing in it. I'm such a realist, I actually have trouble writing fiction 'cause I have to make stuff up.

  4. Good luck, Nancy, with the move! Vermont is a beautiful place (I'm originally from NH), so I'm sure you'll love it there. I look forward to reading more of your work. Be sure to find the time to write despite all the other activity you will have in your life. And remember to find Woolf's 'Room of One's Own' for yourself during and after the move!

    I made some of my own resolutions as well here and thought I'd share with you -- http://coldmountaincollective.com/2012/12/27/resolutions-of-the-written-word-lessons-in-sustainability/

    All best,

    1. Thanks, Kaitlin, I'm so excited about moving to New England. Everyone says it's beautiful. Good suggestion about a room of my own, but I won't have to worry about that as I will be living alone. It'll be just me, my dog and my laptop in front of a glowing fireplace. I will be buying a condo near my daughter. The idea is to do nothing but write and cook. I have retired once before and had two careers. This will be the last.

  5. Wow Nancy! You have a busy year ahead! Guess what? I'm in Louisville too! I have never been to Vermont but hear that it's gorgeous. Best of luck with the move and with everything else you want to accomplish in 2013. Drop by my blog as part of Meg's hop when you can. It's at http://soniafogal.blogspot.com Happy 2013!

    1. Thanks, Sonia for your comments. Where do you live in Louisville? Are you in a writer's group? I've been trying to find one near me, but haven't been successful yet. I live in Old Louisville. Any ideas? I visited your blog and enjoyed your post. Happy New Year to you too.

  6. You have a lot on your plate!! Good luck. I have found that stressful situations can often lead to rich writing as I have a lot of emotions to work out!

    1. I hope you're right....about the rich writing. I know it's a lot to do, but I'm not focusing on the enormity of it. I'll just take it one day at a time, and not beat myself up if it takes longer than planned. Thanks for the the visit and the comments.....Nancy

  7. I further resolve to make time to work on my new memoir, while still running my business and making plans to move.

    1. Hi Meg, Don't quite understand what you meant to say here, but thanks for stopping by anyway. And thanks for setting up the blog hop. I met some writers I hadn't known before.

  8. Hi Nancy --

    Moving is both exciting and a pain in the neck, isn't it? Sounds like your move will be more complicated than most, but worth it. Enjoy the memoir-writing!

    By the way, I like you Dorothy Parker quote on the sidebar :)

    1. Thanks for visiting my blog and commenting. I agree, the Dorothy Parker quote is a good one....sounds like her!

  9. Having just moved to New England myself, I know how much work that is; I hope the move goes well for you! I found keeping going with the writing to be difficult during the latest stages of the move, but your goals sound manageable -- may your discipline be better than mine was.

    1. Hi Annabelle, Where in New England did you move? I know you're right about the difficulty of keeping up with the writing during a major move. But I'm pretty flexible, so I think I will find a way, even if it's having not to write for a while and then, after settling in, writing day and night. I won"t be running a business anymore so, since I'll be retired and living alone, I will be able to write full time on my own schedule. I call this a real luxury.

  10. First time in your blog... Best of luck with your New year Plans... :)

  11. Thanks, Deepa, for the wishes of go0od luck. I can really use them.
